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Why CO2 sequestration?
Over the last several billion years, masses of carbon in the shape of trees and plants were slowly buried and turned into coal and oil.
In the past 150 years, most of this stored fossil carbon has been extracted, processed into fossil fuels and released into the atmosphere as CO2.
The climate emergency impels us to reverse this action, or sequester CO2.
Nature already has tested for about a billion year a process for carbon capture and storage.
It is called photosynthesis.
So this project is:
Reforesting a land, that was planted with Pinus radiata. This will absorb CO2 while it will increase biodiversity, by creating larger habitats for hosting species, and corridors for animals. It will also increase shade, reduce heat absorption from land, soil erosion and wildfires, protect the existing waterways and retain water in the soil. This new growing forest will be permanently protected with a QEII trust covenant.
What's in it for YOU?
You can have a Carbon Clean Conscience and offset your impact on climate change by coming to plant native trees on our land, or by becoming a
and help us plant for you or gift or dedicate a tree to a friend or family.
This project is completely NOT-FOR-PROFIT. It is purely to give back to Nature and future generations.
​​Reforestation is the best natural way to
thanks to the act of
Total CO2 footprint
Calculate you carbon footprint as CO2 emission for transport, and other daily activities: eating, use of energy, working, sport, shopping, fun, etc.
1 Liter of petrol produces 2.4 kg of CO2
You flew from Christchurch to Auckland:
you emitted 0.28 tons of CO2,
you should plant 3 trees that in 20 years will absorb this emission
You flew from LA to Auckland:
you emitted 6.5 tons of CO2, you should plant 5 trees that in 100 years will offset your flight
You flew from Europe to New Zealand:
you emitted 11.5 tons of CO2,
you should plant 8 trees that in
100 years will absorb this emission
You drove from Auckland to Matapouri:
you emitted 0.05 tons of CO2,
you should plant 1 tree that in
10 years will absorb this emission
or calculate your real transport emissions here to see how many trees you should plant to offset your travels
Lifestyle footprint
What you eat, where your food is from, what clothes you buy, where they are made, how much you use your smartphone , how your house gets energy, etc. everything has a carbon footprint. Calculate here
If you are vegetarian or vegan, meat eater or fish eater etc. you have different CO2 footprints:
If you are eating meat 3-5 times a week, a hamburger size portion: you consume 1,611kg greenhouse gases /yr = 6,618 km of car driving = 1 x 100 year old tree.
1 Kg beef = 27 kgCO2,
1 Kg lamb meat = 39 Kg CO2
1 Kg Beans = 2 Kg CO2
How you get electricity at Country or personal level makes a big difference on your Carbon footprint. Coal-derived energy emits 820 gCO2/kWh, vs solar 48 gCO2/kWh, vs hydropower 24 gCO2/kWh. If your supplier use 50% CO2 and 50% hydropower sources, watching 2 hours tv for 1 year = 123 kg CO2/yr = 1 x 20 year old tree.
Clothes have a high impact at every step from production to consumption, however the largest impact on climate is on use phase:
how many times you use an item, wash it (cold vs water), machine-dry it (75% of laundry’s total carbon impact comes from it) or line dry it etc. Only the manufacturing of textiles accounts for 1.2 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions/year, more than all international flights and maritime shipping trips combined. Returning clothes has a significant impact: only 50% of returned garments are restocked and 25% of them end up in landfill. An average closet footprint is about 735 kg CO2/yr = 8 x 20 years old trees. Check here your closet's footprint.
Use of electronics have an impact on climate from material extraction, to production, transport and use: a A 34-37 inch plasma-screen television used for 6.5 hours a day will emit 215 kg CO2/yr. ICT (Information and Communications Technology) industry will be responsible for 14 % of total global footprint by 2040, or “about half of the entire transportation sector worldwide.” For a smartphone, 85 to 95 % footprint is from its production: manufacturing energy and energy for material mining: 55 kgCO2/phone. Its use in texting, calling, browsing: 57g CO2/minute or 10 kg CO2/day or 3 tonCO2/yr (on a 3 hour use) = 2 x 100 year old trees
Adopt trees to support reforestation and offset your CO2 footprint
Offset by helping to plant trees as a volunteer or as a patron for climate
Gift or dedicate a tree
Offset your carbon footprint in name or memory of others: gift a tree to a person or dedicate it to a dear passed one; we can prepare a customized name plaque for you
- An average native tree like totara grows ca. 3.6 m in height in 10 years, reaching a height of about 10 m in 30 years
- 1 totara can sequester about
240 Kg CO2 in 30 years
- CO2 absorption rate is a measure of how much CO2 is absorbed per year during a forest’s growth phase.
- Native forests continue to absorb CO2 for two centuries or more.
- our home bush (180 ha) sequesters about
11,000 ton CO2/yr